Considering I managed NOT to drive home the entire month of February, I stayed incredibly busy. I have an English class that is killing every possible spare minute I could have. I love reading, and much of the required reading we have been assigned is great, but I like to read meticulously for detail and really capture the full image the author portrays rather than skimp on some chapters in order to finish. Those in my class finishing the novels on time or more quickly are skimming or skipping chapters which I can not bring myself to do. I feel like I'm missing out on important details. I'm determined to get through this class with a decent grade and with the usually recommended amount of sleep so we'll see how I do. The semester is already half way through!
It will be my fiancee, Justin's, birthday in less than 5 minutes. Yay! Happy Birthday! =)
I have an extra busy few weeks coming up. Rock Springs to visit Justin's mom and step-dad this weekend, Dallas for the first weekend of spring break to shoot Michelle's engagement photos and bridal portraits and check out wedding venues for myself, then two weekends home and back to Dallas for Michelles wedding. I can't wait! I know I'll have a ton of fun working with Michelle; we have been such good friends and had so many great experiences together in the years we've known each other.
I have resume to finish cleaning up now. AND, it's officially midnight! Happy Birthday "the love of my life"!